Emmanuel Petit On The Final Game Of The World Cup

Emmanuel Petit

On The World Cup Final

What were your thoughts on the match? What an incredible game.

I was so disappointed. I thought in the first hour, France were so far away from being in the game. We were second best all over the pitch. Argentina were aggressive, playing good football. They created a lot more opportunities and, when France went in at half-time I’m thinking to myself “Didier (Deschamps), you need to do something,” he started to do it right before half time. He made two changes before the break and I’m thinking that since he has been in charge of the national team, he has always found the solutions, so I’ll keep my trust in him and we will see something else in the second half.

After 15 minutes of the second half, nothing had changed. All of a sudden, Didier Deschamps introduces Coman and Camavinga and the game changes. France were in the dark and Mbappe provided the light, one miracle followed another. Then everything went crazy on the pitch. It was like an emotional washing machine. It was a boxing fight between two heavyweights that had gone to the final round, with both fighters on their knees trying to knock each other out. What a battle!  

Even before we lost the match on penalties, I’m thinking “what the hell is wrong with us?” Why did we wait 70 minutes to play the final? Of course we had troubles with a virus in the camp, we had one day less to recover than Argentina after the semi-final, but this is not an excuse for how badly we were in the first half. If there is a player that isn’t fit, you replace them and play with somebody else because France has enough quality - maybe not in the midfield - but we didn’t deserve to win the World Cup. Argentina was better than us on the pitch, and they showed it across the tournament.

I was working on the match on the television in France. Some of the fans were saying that they were sad, frustrated, but also proud. I can understand their emotions, but I completely disagreed with them because I’m a competitor and a former player. I can guarantee you that those French players, who were so close to touching the World Cup and had that taken away from them, when they take time to think about the game, they will tell you that what happened during the first half, that can’t happen in a World Cup final. It's impossible. It takes a lot to get to the final and you need to be ready. They were not ready in the first half, that is a big regret. We only played for twenty minutes in the entire match.

I felt like France played like that for a lot of the tournament. They were quite happy to let their opponent have the ball because they knew they could kill them with one moment of quality. 

Yes. France doesn’t like to play with possession of the ball. We let the opponent have the ball because it's better for us to play to our strengths on the break. The first pass will break the lines and you find Mbappe or Dembele, who are so quick, they will hurt you. It can be frustrating for the fans because there is no Plan B with the national team, but this plan is effective.

Like I said before, the big difference with this team and national teams that are champions is a winning mentality. Over the last twenty years, France has been the best.


On England And The Future

I’m pretty sure that England will win a big tournament soon with the quality they have. In one or two years time, they’ll be more experienced and there will be a new generation of players. I’m convinced they will win something and, when you open the door, you never know what will happen after that. England needs to open the door first because they are knocking at the door all the time.

How do you open that door?

You need luck. Definitely you need a bit of luck and you also need the players to have the quality. You need to have a good draw. You need to have a little bit of luck in most games, especially when you get into the knock-out rounds. The luck could come from a referee's decision, maybe something unexpected happens on the pitch. These are the details that change games. In the final, France were out after 70 minutes. I was watching the game with my friend, he went to the toilet and came back and it was 2-2. He couldn’t believe what had happened!

This French group has experience, there are players in the team that have won big titles. There are players in the team that are world champions from 2018. They know how to win. Individually, some of them are improving with their club teams. Mentally, we’ve seen this at the World Cup, France walked through storms to progress. Against Morocco, Tunisia and England, it was the same.

We always have the feeling that everything can change so quickly when you have a player like Mbappe. Luck and more experience in terms of managing your emotions, that is the difference between France and England. So many English players after Harry Kane missed the second penalty were losing their minds - they were not in the game anymore. The French players were always focussed on their game.

I completely agree with you. France managed those moments better because they have players with a little bit more experience. The details are so small. We know that Gareth Southgate will remain in charge for the next international competition. I wondered, as a Frenchman, you look at this group of players that he is working with…why can’t England take that next step? Is it a failure of the coaching?

It’s not a failure of Southgate’s coaching (that England haven’t won an international tournament). I know that over the last few years he has been criticised a lot, sometimes rightly and sometimes wrongly, especially on tactics. Southgate has changed his tactics so many times. I think you need to stick with the same tactics and you need to stick with a core group of 13-14 players who understand these tactics. That is what is missing.

In 2018, England get to the semi-final. This time around, you went out one round earlier but, as I’ve said many times already, England were better than France in the game. If you asked me if Gareth Southgate should stay in charge of the Three Lions, I would say yes.

You can look at all of the reasons why he shouldn’t stay, but I can give you exactly one reason why he should stay. Exactly the same thing happened with the French team in 1998. Aime Jacquet wanted to leave the national team after he won the World Cup, the French Football Federation wanted to replace him with Roger Lemerre but the players said no. We only wanted Aime. After England were eliminated, so many of the English players were saying that they wanted Southgate to stay. I don’t care what the man on the street says. I don’t care what the people on TV say. The most important people are the players and if they are publicly saying that Southgate should play, guys like Bellingham and Maguire, for me it is a simple decision. There is no question if he should stay or leave because the players want him.

Which English players impressed you during the tournament?

Of course. Bellingham, for sure. I really like Harry Maguire’s performances. I thought he had a really good tournament. Just like Giroud, he has gone through some terrible criticism, so I was happy to see him play well. The criticism of Harry Maguire went way too far. Some of the pundits in England need to take a look themselves for the way they treated Maguire. They talk too much.

I’m not sure if Maguire will stay at Manchester United because it is a different story for him there now with ten Hag as a manager. Maybe he will leave on loan? Whatever happens, he needs to play and he needs to be confident, because he is a different player when he is confident. Perhaps a new environment will be good for him.

I really like Saka. In fact, I’m in love with Saka! As a player and a person, he is so sweet and he is improving so much. Saka, Bellingham and Foden are the future of England. Mount too. The Future looks bright. I think English fans should be confident in Southgate because the team is not far away from getting what they deserve.


World Cup Observations

What has been your biggest surprise at the World Cup?

Morocco of course. At this World Cup, despite the bad publicity, some good things happened. We’ve seen some countries playing at a really high level. What Morocco did was wonderful for the continent of Africa and will inspire many teams. I loved the way they played. Tactically, they were intelligent. They surprised me a lot.

I thought Japan played brilliantly. I know how the Japanese players are, the way they manage their life, how they live on a daily basis and the respect that they have for each other. They are so humble. What happened with their fans and their players - that connection - honestly, as we say in France that is my “coup de coeur” (heartwarming). It was amazing.

I don’t want to talk about the big nations. I prefer to talk about the smaller countries that are capable of surprising us. Morocco and Japan should be proud of what they’ve done. They set-off a fire in mind - when the world can be such a brutal place - they showed us humanity in sport.


On His Career

You’re one of the few players to win a World Cup and a European Championship, that coupled with your domestic honours - it’s fair to say that you had a remarkable career. Can you describe what it meant to you to win those international trophies with France?

When you are able to win trophies with your club, it’s a massive achievement but it only reaches the fans of your club, so when you win something with your national team you are doing it for your own people, your country.

If you win a big trophy wearing your country's colours, your life changes. You touch everyone’s heart, not only the people who love football. When France won the World Cup in 1998, every single day people would stop me and share the memories of where they were when we won it.

Now, with the World Cup that has just finished, everyone is thinking about football, so it has been happening even more.

I always say to the new generation of French players, you can win ten Champions League titles with your club, but if you're able to win the World Cup your life changes. Look what is happening to Messi. The only trophy that he was missing was the World Cup and football fans around the world wanted him to win it. Now, he has equalled Maradona’s achievement and he lives longer in football fans hearts for doing so. I saw the celebrations in Buenos Aires. 100,000 people celebrating, when you win the Champions League with your club, you won’t see those numbers in the street. That is the big difference.

It’s such a huge privilege to play for your country and, if you have the chance to win it, your life will change. It is as simple as that.

Of course, you won the double with Arsenal in ’98 and go on to win the World Cup with Patrick also in the squad. Did that help you going into the tournament?

Of course. The Bosman law was instrumental in helping France win because all of a sudden a lot of French players went to different clubs abroad and started playing for big European clubs abroad and developing a winning mentality. France were always branded very good players, but we lacked a winning mentality and that changed because players were having different experiences at clubs across Europe.

This is the biggest difference between France and England. I said during the World Cup that England were better than France and should have won the quarter-final, but we won it because we had the experience. The players have opened the door and that is exactly what is missing for England right now.

Scoring a goal in a World Cup final is what we all dream of watching football as children. Can you describe that moment and feeling, doing it in France, it must have been pretty special?

Well, to do it in front of my family. My people. You know it is incredibly difficult to play in a World Cup as a player. For those who are given the chance, it is an honour and a privilege, so imagine how that feels to do it on home soil and to win it. It’s like buying a lottery ticket and I think it was meant to be. Nothing compares to that. You can experience big emotions with your club, you can have a close relationship with the fans, but with the national team, trust me, it’s different.

Most of the players in the squad were all playing abroad before the tournament. We gained experience, our mentality was good and we were all mature. The average age of the team was between 27 and 28. We were all at the same point at the same time and we were ready.

You’d go back to Euro 2000 and win it again, this time with more Arsenal team mates before moving to Barcelona that summer. Wenger coached you at Monaco too. Can you describe the impact he had on your career and French football generally?

I remember when I was 17 in the Monaco academy and Arsene came to have a look at the players. The first team at the time were fighting for the title and were also competing in the European Cup, they had progressed quite far. The first team was missing players so he came and watched us play and straight after the game he said to me: “You have to come and train with the first team because I need you. I think you have the quality to make a difference and stand up in my team.”

The rest is history. Let me give you one example that describes the relationship I have with him. After my first professional game for Monaco, we drew 0-0 at home with Sochaux, who were one of the best clubs at that time and had a very famous academy that produced a lot of good players. In the game, I played as a central defender and was marking Stephane Paille, who was also the France striker at that particular time. This was a huge, huge battle for me. He did nothing during the game and after the game I was awarded the Man of the Match award. The following day, after the training session, I didn’t speak too much back in those days and I had a few troubles in my mind. I was quiet. I was fighting my own demons (Manu experienced the tragic loss of his brother who suffered a blot clot on the pitch and died as well as the death of his grandfather) and Wenger came to me. It was a beautiful sunny Sunday. I should have been happy because I should have been proud of my performance and he said: “Why are you not happy? You don’t smile. You don’t talk. It's sunny, you did a great job yesterday. You should be proud.  This is just the beginning of your career.” 

I said: “I’m OK, I’m OK.” He said: “Come one, we need to talk.” He looked at me and could see that I wasn’t right and he said: “Manu, if you want to discover what type of player you can be on the pitch, you need to discover what type of human being you can be in your life.”

He wanted me to change what was in my mind and in my heart. I understood that to mean that life is beautiful, the world is beautiful - it is not only bad things. He wanted me to fight against my demons.

I looked at him and said, “I understand what you’re saying and I appreciate it, but I don’t know why you’re telling me this. This is just who I am as a person.”

He said: “Can I ask you a personal question? Are you going out to bars and nightclubs often?”

I said: “No, not really. Why?”

He said: “You’re seventeen, eighteen. You should go to a nightclub or some bars! Go and meet people, girls, whoever you want. Discover who you are but of course be careful because of your public image.”

So I said to him: “Your advice for me is to go to a nightclub?”

He said: “Yes! But not one or two nights before a game. You need to be a professional, but you need to enjoy your life. Open your heart.” 

I have so many examples like this about Arsene. People that know us, they always laugh when they see us together. They think we are like father and son. I don’t call Arsene every week, I don’t call him every month, but I have a relationship with him where, even if I haven’t spoken to him for six months, it’s like we spoke yesterday. Without his faith and confidence…so many players that have worked with him feel the same way, he gets into your mind and will always help you. He understood that his players are human beings before footballers.

You played with so many great players domestically and internationally. Was there one that stood out?

Two teammates stand out: Zidane and Bergkamp. Zidane was an artist. He played the game like he was playing in the street with friends.

Dennis Bergkamp’s first touch, the way that he played with the ball…I always had the feeling that he was born with a ball at his feet. Both of those guys were such great players and such great people - they deserve all the awards.

There are others players that I played against that I have huge respect for. Paul Scholes, Steven Gerrard, those guys were tremendous footballers and tremendous people. They were so competitive on the pitch and had great personalities. I had the chance to speak with Scholesy a few times and it made me really happy because I always thought that he was one of the best players in the history of Manchester United.

I also had so much respect for players that may not have been known for their skills, but in terms of their character and personality. Patrick (Vieira) was both. He was a great player and a great leader. A warrior. Roy Keane was exactly the same. John Terry at Chelsea, these guys. It doesn’t matter how many titles you win or how much money you earn, the fans always remember the players that embody them on the pitch. For me, the most important thing in being a professional is the image that you show to your fans.

This is why what is happening with Cristiano Ronaldo is a shame. It’s a shame because he doesn't deserve for his career to be coming to and like this. I think he needs to have a word with himself. When you see Messi winning the World Cup, something isn’t right with Cristiano somewhere.

The comparisons between the two will always be there…. 

Can you say it’s a coincidence that everything is happening at this World Cup? I asked myself that question when Portugal went out. That will probably be the last chance he has to win the World Cup. Nobody knows where he will play next. Is it going to end like this?

For a man that has had such a decorated career, I agree that it's sad to see how this has played out so publicly. Do you think Ronaldo’s behaviour at Manchester United will have affected his legacy at the club or over time will it be easier for the fans?

I think overtime, the memories of Ronaldo will focus on his amazing career and how brilliant he was on the football pitch. The rivalry between Ronaldo and Messi was tremendous to watch over the last fifteen years. We have all been lucky to witness that. Honestly, those guys, it's amazing what they have done and they have inspired so many kids, so I’m very, very sad about what's happening with Cristiano Ronaldo. I hope he will find a different exit door.

Olivier Giroud has enjoyed one of the best World Cup campaigns of his career after becoming France's record scorer. Do you think Giroud's Arsenal stint is underappreciated? Do you think he would have been remembered with more appreciation and respect if he was part of a successful Arsenal, like The Invincibles or the Double-winning team of 1998 alongside you?

For Giroud, nothing has been given to him. Everything that he has achieved in his career is because of his work, his mental strength and his resilience. Every time you try to show him the door, he will go to the window. If you show him the window, he will come back to the garage, he will always find a way to come back and to prove you wrong. For me, Mbappe, Messi, Ronaldo, they are amazing players and a big example for everyone, but being a sportsman is not all about having extraordinary ability, being a sportsman is about showing different qualities as well, qualities Giroud has in abundance. Humility, hard work, he doesn’t speak out or cause problems. He doesn’t harass people on the pitch. He keeps himself to himself and is very humble. When you speak to people about Giroud, even his friends, they all say the same thing about him - he will surprise you. He keeps going and going and going. Last year , he wasn’t picked for the France team for months because Benzema was back and there were problems within the camp after the European Championships; egos, family. All of a sudden he was shown the door by France, but because of all of the injuries that happened before the World Cup, Deschamps’ had no choice but to put him in the squad.

What he has done, where he is fighting against almost everyone and constantly proving to people that he is good enough - the career he has had, it’s amazing. He deserves everything that has come his way.

It was not so long ago that I could hear people saying he doesn’t deserve the medals he has won in his career. What!? Why? I heard that in England too from former players, pundits on TV. I thought that was so disrespectful to Giroud. Have these guys forgotten what it means to be a professional footballer? It’s not all about skills on the ball, scoring spectacular goals, it's the resolve as well. Giroud is an example for everyone that wants to be a professional footballer.

I’ve always supported him, even in the middle of a storm, when he wasn’t playing, wasn’t scoring because I knew the guy. I knew his mentality and his quality. He will never give up. Never. He will do whatever it takes to reach his targets. For me, this is the definition of a professional sportsman.

Can you imagine if Giroud had the quality of Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo? I think he has the same mentality as Ronaldo - Giroud is so strong in his mind - he is almost like a robot because he has so much belief and determination. You have to show respect to Giroud.

He always got a lot of criticism in England

He wasn’t a romantic on the pitch, that is why. Sometimes he would miss big chances, but he kept going. I remember when he went to Chelsea, Lampard was in charge and he had spent most of his time on the bench, but he decided to bring him back in for the last seven or eight games. He saved Chelsea’s season. Then he went to Milan, where he won the title. Now he is at the World Cup and he has just become France’s record goalscorer. If that’s not enough to convince you that he doesn’t deserve all the success he has had, then I have nothing to say to you.


On The Premier LeagueArsenal

Arsenal return to action after setting the pace in the first half of the Premier League season. Do you expect them to pick up where they left off?

The break is so long. Six or seven weeks, it's huge, so it's hard to know because this has never happened before. I have many questions about the players that went to the World Cup and those that stayed. How was the training? Where was the competition? Many of them have been playing some friendlies and doing some warm weather training to try and take advantage of the weather, but this is only training. It is not competitive.

After a seven week break, players coming in and out, are they going to keep the same dynamic? Are they going to keep the same mentality? The same unity?

Look at what happened during the World Cup Final. If I’m Nasser bin Ghanim Al-Khelaifi, the PSG President, I’m thinking Messi won the World Cup, the missing piece of the puzzle for his career. Is his season over already? Mbappe will be sad, but I know his mentality and I know he will come back stronger. Neymar, he was killing himself with the pressure he puts on his shoulders when he plays for Brazil. He said he needs a break, Marquinhos also. How can you get these players back? English players will be feeling the same way after the big disappointment of losing to France. Some of them have taken advantage to have a break, maybe a short holiday or spending time with their family, but the competition starts again very quickly and it's even more important because it's Christmas time and that is a special period in the Premier League for the fans. There are a lot of games.

You can ask this question about all of the clubs in England. How will they manage to come back?

It is impossible for Arteta and other managers to keep the same team dynamics. At Chelsea, it was very difficult for them before the break, maybe their fortunes will change after the break. This is a huge break and we have no  idea how clubs will be able to manage that.

Emotionally, physically, how will the players manage?

Then you have injured players. Gabriel Jesus, he is not there. Ben White. What happened to him was really weird. He left the national team because he had an argument with someone? Come on, it’s a World Cup! This is a once in a lifetime event. If something happened, it must have been very serious for him to leave. We all know what it means to wear the national shirt. How will his state of mind be? Will he be the same player after he took the big decision to leave the England squad? Will he get a nasty reception when he plays in away stadiums?

This is unprecedented in the history of football and I have no idea what will happen when the teams go back.

You mentioned Gabriel Jesus. Without him in the team do you worry about Arsenal? Who do you think Arsenal should use/sign to replace Gabriel Jesus while he's recovering from his World Cup injury?

I think Arsenal have a very good squad with a very good mentality. Arteta and his staff are doing a very good job. Even Edu. I was not convinced by Edu initially, but the job he has done over the last two transfer windows has convinced me. He has taken the right decisions and he has a vision. It seems like everyone at the club is pulling in the same direction. What happened with Aubameyang shows you how fragile a dressing room can be - even your own captain can be a danger! To get rid of him was a strong decision and Arteta and Edu obviously have a clear idea of what they want to do at the football club.

On the pitch, you can see that the players are really buying into Arteta. The first eleven is of exceptional quality but the depth on the bench isn’t as good as it needs to be and if you want to compete with Manchester City, Liverpool, you need more and you need to be clever in the transfer market, especially when you’re without a player like Jesus. Ben White is fit, but mentally, we have no idea. We also don’t know about the other players coming back from the World Cup.

Arsenal definitely, and even Arteta has said it, are short of options. They need more players. Nketiah is a good player but he is still young. He is gaining experience all the time, but you can’t replace Jesus with Nketiah and expect the same results. It is too soon for him. If you put him in and expect that, that is not fair on the player, but his time will come.

What areas do you think Arsenal need to look at in the transfer window?

They need to be active. I said a couple of months ago in the English press that there were two or three forwards I think would be phenomenal at Arsenal. St. Maximin, maybe Zaha and the young guy from Dortmund who played a handful of minutes at the World Cup for Germany, Moukoko, who has been linked with Chelsea recently.

If we’re talking about midfielders for Arsenal, I know the links are there with Tielemens at Leicester, who I think is a good player but I’m not sure he is what Arsenal needs. I’m a big fan of two players from Brighton: Alexis Mac Alister and Moises Caicedo.

Mac Alister, I said this last season before he won the World Cup, he is a guy that does everything in the midfield. He sets the tempo, carries the ball. Technically, he is very good. He scores goals.

The guy that sits next to him at Brighton, Caicedo, he is excellent. If Arsenal could take both of those players, two guys who know each other, they would fit perfectly at the club. They would do everything that Arteta wants in midfield. Both of them are young and could form a partnership for years.

Mac Allister has just won the World Cup. He won the Copa America last year. In terms of his experience and maturity, he played almost every single game at the World Cup and he played really well. He is at Brighton! What are Arsenal, Liverpool and Manchester City doing? Come on! He plays brilliant football.

He’s going to cost a lot more money now, Manu! (Laughs)

Yeah, well I said this a couple of months ago! I’m pretty sure he will receive offers soon.

How much of a boost will it have been for William Saliba to experience the World Cup as a player and as a man?

It reminds me of myself. When I started with the French team, I was the only young player in the squad, which is very different from today. I went to the European Championships in 1992, when Denmark won it, and I didn’t play for a single minute. I was there only to get experience and to feel the environment - the pressure - to realise exactly what it means to play for your country at a major international tournament, to see how my teammates prepared to play the world’s best players.

I learned what the standards were to play for France, what I had to do every single day. Diet, training, everything. Of course, training is not new, but it is different than when you’re with your club because the emotions are extraordinary.

For Saliba, things are going really quickly for him. Three years ago he was on loan in France with St. Etienne because he didn’t have the confidence of Arteta and then, everything changed for him when he went to Marseille. He started to fight. He started to show people what he was all about.

I said something similar to Hakim Ziyech at Chelsea. When Arsenal beat Chelsea at Stamford Bridge before the World Cup, I was working on French television and was on the pitch when I saw him running on his own. During a break from filming I said to him: “Hakim, I don’t recognise you. Where is the player we know? Are you going to stay like this forever, sitting on the bench with terrible body language? You look so miserable. You need to come back to the player we saw at Ajax. You’re a world-class player, you need your confidence back. Do yourself a favour and fight. Don’t accept the critics' reality. So many people have criticised you, you need to fight and show some pride. That is the definition of a sportsman. Show some more respect for yourself and don’t accept this situation. Fight.”

He had a difficult relationship with Morocco, but then everything went right. I’m not taking any credit for that by the way, but the same thing has happened with Saliba at Arsenal. If you want to be a top player, you need to do things the right way.


On The Premier LeagueChelsea

What kind of impact do you think Christopher Nkunku would have at Chelsea? Could he become a force that pushes them to Premier League and Champions League glory? What other positions need strengthening at Chelsea?

He is a very good player. Will he be a hit? You know, just like I know, there is a striker's curse at Stamford Bridge! I hope he will break the curse. I hope he can follow in the same footsteps as Drogba. He is not the same type of player as Drogba, but he has so much quality. He exploits spaces with his speed. He has great technical quality too and he is clinical when he is in front of the goal. He was the best player in the Bundesliga, which is a big achievement, especially when you don’t play for Bayern or Dortmund, the last player to do that was Kevin de Bruyne!

It was so sad that he couldn’t go to the World Cup, but he has a big career in front of him. He has the hunger to succeed. He hasn't been at the biggest club in the Bundesliga, so when he goes to Chelsea, that will be a step up for him. He will want to prove that he deserves to be there. I think he is ready to take the next steps in his career and he is ready to handle the pressure and expectation that comes when you’re playing as a striker for Chelsea.

Can fortunes change at Chelsea when the season restarts?

It’s been a very difficult season for Chelsea. When I look at some of their players, especially Thiago Silva who was so distressed after what happened with Brazil, there are many question marks. There are a lot of troubles surrounding so many individuals at Stamford Bridge.

The pressure is on Graham Potter because I can’t remember the last time Chelsea won a game, especially against the big guns. We all know that 2022 was a terrible year for Chelsea off the pitch, but I don’t feel confident things will change in the second half of the season. I’m not sure what Chelsea will do in the transfer market, but they spent so much money in the summer already. I had the feeling that they didn't have a vision - it felt like panic buying. It seemed like that if they couldn’t get their primary or secondary targets, they were signing players because they needed too. If a player became available, they bought him, at least that is what I felt looking at it from the outside.

Chelsea need to go back to managing the club before all of the trouble (Roman Abramovich sanctions and sale). I'm sure they will do that, but this season will be transitional season for Chelsea.

The competition for the top four will be so tight. Now you have Newcastle, who are not playing in Europe, they don’t have that many players who were affected by playing at the World Cup. They will be active in the transfer window. They will add more quality.

There are probably seven or eight clubs fighting for the Champions League. Chelsea need to be very careful. They need to be very careful how they manage the next two transfer windows as well.

I feel like Todd Boehly went in in the summer and gave himself far too much to do without having the experience in football.

I think he came in with a little too much arrogance. I’ve been following what is happening at Manchester United with the Glazers very closely. Are they going to sell the club? The big question in France is will Jim Ratcliffe buy the club because he owns Nice? I think with everything that is happening with Newcastle, Arteta will know that he needs more depth on his bench because the competition is only getting fiercer. Maybe the last six months of the season will be very different. All of the clubs that are chasing those spaces need to be very careful.



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